PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Main Help

Current command:
data rawdemod --help

Demodulate the data in the GraphBuffer and output binary

    data rawdemod [-h] [--ab] [--am] [--ar] [--fs] [--nr] [--p1] [--p2] [<params>]...

    -h, --help                     This help
    --ab                           ASK/Biphase demodulation
    --am                           ASK/Manchester demodulation
    --ar                           ASK/Raw demodulation
    --fs                           FSK demodulation
    --nr                           NRZ/Direct demodulation
    --p1                           PSK 1 demodulation
    --p2                           PSK 2 demodulation
    <params>                       params for sub command

    data rawdemod --fs             -> demod FSK - autodetect
    data rawdemod --ab             -> demod ASK/BIPHASE - autodetect
    data rawdemod --am             -> demod ASK/MANCHESTER - autodetect
    data rawdemod --ar             -> demod ASK/RAW - autodetect
    data rawdemod --nr             -> demod NRZ/DIRECT - autodetect
    data rawdemod --p1             -> demod PSK1 - autodetect
    data rawdemod --p2             -> demod PSK2 - autodetect