PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Main Help

Current command:
hf 15 restore --help

This command restore the contents of a dump file (bin/eml/json) onto a ISO-15693 tag

    hf 15 restore [-h*2ov] [-u <hex>] [--ua] [-f <fn>] [-r <dec>]

    -h, --help                     This help
    -u, --uid <hex>                full UID (8 hex bytes)
    --ua                           unaddressed mode
    -*                             scan for tag
    -2                             use slower '1 out of 256' mode
    -o, --opt                      set OPTION Flag (needed for TI)
    -f, --file <fn>                Specify a filename for dump file
    -r, --retry <dec>              number of retries (def 3)
    -v, --verbose                  verbose output

    hf 15 restore
    hf 15 restore -*
    hf 15 restore -u E011223344556677 -f hf-15-my-dump.bin