PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Updated: January 2025

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Current command:
hf iclass encode --help

Encode binary wiegand to block 7,8,9
Use either --bin or --wiegand/--fc/--cn

    hf iclass encode [--fc <dec>]

    -h, --help                     This help
    --bin <bin>                    Binary string i.e 0001001001
    --ki <dec>                     Key index to select key from memory 'hf iclass managekeys'
    --credit                       key is assumed to be the credit key
    --elite                        elite computations applied to key
    --raw                          no computations applied to key
    --enckey <hex>                 3DES transport key, 16 hex bytes
    --fc <dec>                     facility code
    --cn <dec>                     card number
    --issue <dec>                  issue level
    -w, --wiegand <format>         see `wiegand list` for available formats
    --emu                          Write to emulation memory instead of card
    --shallow                      use shallow (ASK) reader modulation instead of OOK
    -v                             verbose (print encoded blocks)

    hf iclass encode --bin 10001111100000001010100011 --ki 0                -> FC 31 CN 337 (H10301)
    hf iclass encode -w H10301 --fc 31 --cn 337 --ki 0                      -> FC 31 CN 337 (H10301)
    hf iclass encode --bin 10001111100000001010100011 --ki 0 --elite        -> FC 31 CN 337 (H10301), writing w elite key
    hf iclass encode -w H10301 --fc 31 --cn 337 --emu                       -> Writes the ecoded data to emulator memory
    When using emulator you have to first load a credential into emulator memory