PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Updated: January 2025

Main Help

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Current command:
hf iclass legbrute --help

This command take sniffed trace data and partial raw key and bruteforces the remaining 40 bits of the raw key.

    hf iclass legbrute [--index <dec>]

    -h, --help                     This help
    --epurse <hex>                 Specify ePurse as 8 hex bytes
    --macs1 <hex>                  MACs captured from the reader
    --macs2 <hex>                  MACs captured from the reader, different than the first set (with the same csn and epurse value)
    --pk <hex>                     Partial Key from legrec or starting key of keyblock from legbrute
    --index <dec>                  Where to start from to retrieve the key, default 0 - value in millions e.g. 1 is 1 million

    hf iclass legbrute --epurse feffffffffffffff --macs1 1306cad9b6c24466 --macs2 f0bf905e35f97923 --pk B4F12AADC5301225