PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Updated: January 2025

Main Help

Up One Level

Current command:
hf iclass legrec --help

Attempts to recover the diversified key of a specific iClass card. This may take a long time. The Card must remain be on the PM3 antenna during the whole process! This process may brick the card!

    hf iclass legrec [--allnight]

    -h, --help                     This help
    --macs <hex>                   AA1 Authentication MACs
    --index <dec>                  Where to start from to retrieve the key, default 0
    --loop <dec>                   The number of key retrieval cycles to perform, max 10000, default 100
    --debug                        Re-enables tracing for debugging. Limits cycles to 1.
    --notest                       Perform real writes on the card!
    --allnight                     Loops the loop for 10 times, recommended loop value of 5000.
    --est                          Estimates the key updates based on the card's CSN assuming standard key.

    hf iclass legrec --macs 0000000089cb984b
    hf iclass legrec --macs 0000000089cb984b --index 0 --loop 100 --notest