Updated: January 2025
Current command:
hf jooki encode --help
Encode a Jooki token to base64 NDEF URI format usage: hf jooki encode [--blackdragon] options: -h, --help This help -u, --uid <hex> uid bytes -r read uid from tag instead --test self test -v, --verbose verbose output --dragon figurine type --fox figurine type --ghost figurine type --knight figurine type --whale figurine type --blackdragon figurine type --blackfox figurine type --blackknight figurine type --blackwhale figurine type --whitedragon figurine type --whitefox figurine type --whiteknight figurine type --whitewhale figurine type --tid <dec> figurine type id --fid <dec> figurine id examples/notes: hf jooki encode --test -> self tests hf jooki encode -r --dragon -> read uid from tag and use for encoding hf jooki encode --uid 04010203040506 --dragon hf jooki encode --uid 04010203040506 --tid 1 --fid 1