PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Updated: January 2025

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Current command:
hf mf decrypt --help

Decrypt Crypto-1 encrypted bytes given some known state of crypto. See tracelog to gather needed values

    hf mf decrypt [-h] --nt <hex> --ar <hex> --at <hex> -d <hex>

    -h, --help                     This help
    --nt <hex>                     tag nonce
    --ar <hex>                     ar_enc, encrypted reader response
    --at <hex>                     at_enc, encrypted tag response
    -d, --data <hex>               encrypted data, taken directly after at_enc and forward

    hf mf decrypt --nt b830049b --ar 9248314a --at 9280e203 -d 41e586f9
    -> 41e586f9 becomes 3003999-> 41e586f9 becomes 3003999a
    -> which annotates 30 03 [99 9a] read block 3 [crc-> which annotates 30 03 [99 9a] read block 3 [crc]