PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Updated: January 2025

Main Help

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Current command:
hf mf mad --help

Checks and prints MIFARE Application Directory (MAD)

    hf mf mad [--force]

    -h, --help                     This help
    -v, --verbose                  verbose output
    --aid <hex>                    print all sectors with specified aid
    -k, --key <hex>                key for printing sectors
    -b, --keyb                     use key B for access printing sectors (by default: key A)
    --be                           (optional, BigEndian)
    --dch                          decode Card Holder information
    -f, --file <fn>                load dump file and decode MAD
    --force                        force decode (skip key check)

    hf mf mad                     -> shows MAD if exists
    hf mf mad --aid e103 -k ffffffffffff -b     -> shows NDEF data if exists. read card with custom key and key B
    hf mf mad --dch -k ffffffffffff     -> decode CardHolder information