PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Main Help

Current command:
hf mf sim --help

Simulate MIFARE Classic family type based upon
ISO/IEC 14443 type A tag with 4,7 or 10 byte UID
from emulator memory.  See `hf mf eload` first.
The UID from emulator memory will be used if not specified.

    hf mf sim [-hixev] [-u <hex>] [--mini] [--1k] [--2k] [--4k] [--atqa <hex>] [--sak <hex>] [-n <dec> ] [--cve]

    -h, --help                     This help
    -u, --uid <hex>                <4|7|10> hex bytes UID
    --mini                         MIFARE Classic Mini / S20
    --1k                           MIFARE Classic 1k / S50
    --2k                           MIFARE Classic/Plus 2k
    --4k                           MIFARE Classic 4k / S70
    --atqa <hex>                   Provide explicit ATQA (2 bytes, overrides option t)
    --sak <hex>                    Provide explicit SAK (1 bytes, overrides option t)
    -n, --num <dec>                Automatically exit simulation after <numreads> blocks have been read by reader. 0 = infinite
    -i, --interactive              Console will not be returned until simulation finishes or is aborted
    -x                             Performs the 'reader attack', nr/ar attack against a reader
    -e, --emukeys                  Fill simulator keys from found keys
    -v, --verbose                  verbose output
    --cve                          trigger CVE 2021_0430

    hf mf sim --mini                          -> MIFARE Mini
    hf mf sim --1k                            -> MIFARE Classic 1k (default)
    hf mf sim --1k -u 0a0a0a0a                -> MIFARE Classic 1k with 4b UID
    hf mf sim --1k -u 11223344556677          -> MIFARE Classic 1k with 7b UID
    hf mf sim --1k -u 11223344 -i -x          -> Perform reader attack in interactive mode
    hf mf sim --2k                            -> MIFARE 2k
    hf mf sim --4k                            -> MIFARE 4k