PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Updated: January 2025

Main Help

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Current command:
hf mf value --help

MIFARE Classic value data commands

    hf mf value [--tkey <hex>]

    -h, --help                     This help
    -k, --key <hex>                key, 6 hex bytes
    -a                             input key type is key A (def)
    -b                             input key type is key B
    --inc <dec>                    Increment value by X (0 - 2147483647)
    --dec <dec>                    Decrement value by X (0 - 2147483647)
    --set <dec>                    Set value to X (-2147483647 - 2147483647)
    --transfer <dec>               Transfer value to other block (after inc/dec/restore)
    --tkey <hex>                   transfer key, 6 hex bytes (if transfer is preformed to other sector)
    --ta                           transfer key type is key A (def)
    --tb                           transfer key type is key B
    --get                          Get value from block
    --res                          Restore (copy value to card buffer, should be used with --transfer)
    --blk <dec>                    block number
    -d, --data <hex>               block data to extract values from (16 hex bytes)

    hf mf value --blk 16 -k FFFFFFFFFFFF --set 1000
    hf mf value --blk 16 -k FFFFFFFFFFFF --inc 10
    hf mf value --blk 16 -k FFFFFFFFFFFF -b --dec 10
    hf mf value --blk 16 -k FFFFFFFFFFFF -b --get
    hf mf value --blk 16 -k FFFFFFFFFFFF --res --transfer 30 --tk FFFFFFFFFFFF      -> transfer block 16 value to block 30 (even if block can't be incremented by ACL)
    hf mf value --get -d 87D612007829EDFF87D6120011EE11EE