PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Main Help

Current command:
hw readmem --help

Reads processor flash memory into a file or views on console

    hw readmem [-hr] [-a <dec>] [-l <dec>] [-f <fn>] [-c <dec>]

    -h, --help                     This help
    -a, --adr <dec>                flash address to start reading from
    -l, --len <dec>                length (default 32 or 512KB)
    -f, --file <fn>                save to file
    -c, --cols <dec>               column breaks
    -r, --raw                      use raw address mode: read from anywhere, not just flash

    hw readmem -f myfile                         -> save 512KB processor flash memory to file
    hw readmem -a 8192 -l 512                    -> display 512 bytes from offset 8192