PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Main Help

Current command:
lf em 410x demod --help

Try to find EM 410x preamble, if found decode / descramble data

    lf em 410x demod [-hia] [--clk <dec>] [--err <dec>] [--len <dec>] [--bin <bin>]

    -h, --help                     This help
    --clk <dec>                    clock (default autodetect)
    --err <dec>                    maximum allowed errors (default 100)
    --len <dec>                    maximum length
    -i, --invert                   invert output
    -a, --amp                      amplify signal
    --bin <bin>                    Binary string i.e 0001001001

    lf em 410x demod                           -> demod an EM410x Tag ID from GraphBuffer
    lf em 410x demod --clk 32                  -> demod an EM410x Tag ID from GraphBuffer using a clock of RF/32
    lf em 410x demod --clk 32 -i               -> demod an EM410x Tag ID from GraphBuffer using a clock of RF/32 and inverting data
    lf em 410x demod -i                        -> demod an EM410x Tag ID from GraphBuffer while inverting data
    lf em 410x demod --clk 64 -i --err 0       -> demod an EM410x Tag ID from GraphBuffer using a clock of RF/64 and inverting data and allowing 0 demod errors