PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Main Help

Current command:
lf em 4x05 write --help

Write EM4x05/EM4x69. Tag must be on antenna.

    lf em 4x05 write [-h] [-a <dec>] -d <hex> [-p <hex>] [--po]

    -h, --help                     This help
    -a, --addr <dec>               memory address to write to. (0-13)
    -d, --data <hex>               data to write (4 hex bytes)
    -p, --pwd <hex>                password (4 hex bytes)
    --po                           protect operation

    lf em 4x05 write -a 1 -d deadc0de
    lf em 4x05 write --addr 1 --pwd 11223344 --data deadc0de
    lf em 4x05 write --po --pwd 11223344 --data deadc0de