PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Main Help

Current command:
lf em 4x50 brute --help

Tries to bruteforce the password of a EM4x50 card.
Function can be stopped by pressing pm3 button.

    lf em 4x50 brute [-h] --mode <str> [--begin <hex>] [--end <hex>] [--digits] [--uppercase]

    -h, --help                     This help
    --mode <str>                   Bruteforce mode (range|charset|smart)
    --begin <hex>                  Range mode - start of the key range
    --end <hex>                    Range mode - end of the key range
    --digits                       Charset mode - include ASCII codes for digits
    --uppercase                    Charset mode - include ASCII codes for uppercase letters

    lf em 4x50 brute --mode range --begin 12330000 --end 12340000      -> tries pwds from 0x12330000 to 0x12340000
    lf em 4x50 brute --mode charset --digits --uppercase      -> tries all combinations of ASCII codes for digits and uppercase letters
    lf em 4x50 brute --mode smart      -> enable 'smart' pattern key cracking