Updated: January 2025
Current command:
lf gallagher clone --help
clone a GALLAGHER tag to a T55x7, Q5/T5555 or EM4305/4469 tag. usage: lf gallagher clone [--il <decimal>] options: -h, --help This help -r, --raw <hex> raw hex data. 12 bytes max --q5 optional - specify writing to Q5/T5555 tag --em optional - specify writing to EM4305/4469 tag --rc <decimal> Region code. 4 bits max --fc <decimal> Facility code. 2 bytes max --cn <decimal> Card number. 3 bytes max --il <decimal> Issue level. 4 bits max examples/notes: lf gallagher clone --raw 0FFD5461A9DA1346B2D1AC32 -> encode for T55x7 tag lf gallagher clone --raw 0FFD5461A9DA1346B2D1AC32 --q5 -> encode for Q5/T5555 tag lf gallagher clone --raw 0FFD5461A9DA1346B2D1AC32 --em -> encode for EM4305/4469 lf gallagher clone --rc 0 --fc 9876 --cn 1234 --il 1 -> encode for T55x7 tag from decoded data