PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Updated: January 2025

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Current command:
lf indala sim --help

Enables simulation of Indala card with specified facility code and card number.
Simulation runs until the button is pressed or another USB command is issued.

    lf indala sim [--4041x]

    -h, --help                     This help
    -r, --raw <hex>                raw bytes
    --heden <decimal>              Cardnumber for Heden 2L format
    --fc <decimal>                 Facility code (26 bit H10301 format)
    --cn <decimal>                 Card number (26 bit H10301 format)
    --4041x                        Optional - specify Indala 4041X format, must use with fc and cn

    lf indala sim --heden 888
    lf indala sim --fc 123 --cn 1337
    lf indala sim --fc 123 --cn 1337 --4041x
    lf indala sim --raw a0000000a0002021
    lf indala sim --raw 80000001b23523a6c2e31eba3cbee4afb3c6ad1fcf649393928c14e5