PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Updated: January 2025

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Current command:
mem dump --help

Dumps flash memory on device into a file or view in console

    mem dump [-c <dec>]

    -h, --help                     This help
    -o, --offset <dec>             offset in memory
    -l, --len <dec>                length
    -v, --view                     view dump
    -f, --file <fn>                save filename
    -c, --cols <dec>               column breaks (def 32)

    mem dump -f myfile                               -> download all flashmem to file
    mem dump --view -o 262015 --len 128              -> display 128 bytes from offset 262015 (RSA sig)
    mem dump --view -f myfile -o 241664 --len 58     -> display 58 bytes from offset 241664 and save to file