PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Main Help

Current command:
reveng --help

    -cdDesvhu? [-bBfFGlLMrStVXyz]
            [-a BITS] [-A OBITS] [-i INIT] [-k KPOLY] [-m MODEL] [-p POLY]
            [-p POLY] [-P RPOLY] [-q QPOLY] [-w WIDTH] [-x XOROUT] [STRING...]
    -a BITS         bits per character (1 to 64)
    -A OBITS        bits per output character (1 to 64)
    -i INIT         initial register value
    -k KPOLY        generator in Koopman notation (implies WIDTH)
    -m MODEL        preset CRC algorithm
    -p POLY         generator or search range start polynomial
    -P RPOLY        reversed generator polynomial (implies WIDTH)

    -q QPOLY        search range end polynomial
    -w WIDTH        register size, in bits
    -x XOROUT       final register XOR value
Modifier switches:
    -b big-endian CRC               -B big-endian CRC output
    -f read files named in STRINGs  -F skip preset model check pass
    -G skip brute force search pass -l little-endian CRC
    -L little-endian CRC output     -M non-augmenting algorithm
    -r right-justified output       -S print spaces between characters
    -t left-justified output        -V reverse algorithm only
    -X print uppercase hexadecimal  -y low bytes first in files
    -z raw binary STRINGs

Mode switches:
    -c calculate CRCs               -d dump algorithm parameters
    -D list preset algorithms       -e echo (and reformat) input
    -s search for algorithm         -v calculate reversed CRCs
    -g search for alg given hex+crc
    -h | -u | -? show this help
Common Use Examples:
       reveng -g 01020304e3
          Searches for a known/common crc preset that computes the crc
          on the end of the given hex string
       reveng -w 8 -s 01020304e3 010204039d
          Searches for any possible 8 bit width crc calc that computes
          the crc on the end of the given hex string(s)
       reveng -m CRC-8 -c 01020304
          Calculates the crc-8 of the given hex string
       reveng -D
          Outputs a list of all known/common crc models with their
          preset values
Copyright (C)
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019  Gregory Cook
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
Version 1.6.2                                 <>