Updated: January 2025
Current command:
trace list --help
Annotate trace buffer with selected protocol data You can load a trace from file (see `trace load -h`) or it be downloaded from device by default usage: trace list [-f <fn>] options: -h, --help This help -1, --buffer use data from trace buffer --frame show frame delay times -c mark CRC bytes -r show relative times (gap and duration) -u display times in microseconds instead of clock cycles -x show hexdump to convert to pcap(ng) or to import into Wireshark using encapsulation type "ISO 14443" -t, --type <string> protocol to annotate the trace -f, --file <fn> filename of dictionary examples/notes: trace list -t raw -> just show raw data without annotations trace list -t 14a -> interpret as ISO14443-A trace list -t 14b -> interpret as ISO14443-B trace list -t 15 -> interpret as ISO15693 trace list -t 7816 -> interpret as ISO7816-4 trace list -t cryptorf -> interpret as CryptoRF trace list -t des -> interpret as MIFARE DESFire trace list -t felica -> interpret as ISO18092 / FeliCa trace list -t hitag1 -> interpret as Hitag 1 trace list -t hitag2 -> interpret as Hitag 2 trace list -t hitags -> interpret as Hitag S trace list -t iclass -> interpret as iCLASS trace list -t legic -> interpret as LEGIC trace list -t lto -> interpret as LTO-CM trace list -t mf -> interpret as MIFARE Classic and decrypt crypto1 stream trace list -t seos -> interpret as SEOS trace list -t thinfilm -> interpret as Thinfilm trace list -t topaz -> interpret as Topaz trace list -t mfp -> interpret as MIFARE Plus trace list -t fmcos20 -> interpret as FMCOS 2.0 trace list -t mf -f mfc_default_keys.dic -> use default dictionary file trace list -t 14a --frame -> show frame delay times trace list -t 14a -1 -> use trace buffer