Updated: January 2025
Current command:
data crypto --help
Encrypt data, right here, right now. Or decrypt. usage: data crypto [--iv <hex>] options: -h, --help This help -d, --data <hex> Data to process -k, --key <hex> Key to use -r, --rev Decrypt, not encrypt --des Cipher with DES, not AES --mac Calculate AES CMAC/FeliCa Lite MAC --iv <hex> IV value if needed examples/notes: Supply data, key, IV (needed for des MAC or aes), and cryptography action. To calculate a MAC for FMCOS, supply challenge as IV, data as data, and session/line protection key as key. To calculate a MAC for FeliCa, supply first RC as IV, BLE+data as data and session key as key. data crypto -d 04D6850E06AABB80 -k FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF --iv 9EA0401A00000000 --des -> Calculate a MAC for FMCOS chip. The result should be ED3A0133