PM3 Commands Reference (Iceman Firmware):

Updated: January 2025

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Current command:

help             This help
-----------      ------------------------- General-------------------------
clear            Clears various buffers used by the graph window
hide             Hide the graph window
load             Load contents of file into graph window
num              Converts dec/hex/bin
plot             Show the graph window
print            Print the data in the DemodBuffer
save             Save signal trace data
setdebugmode     Set Debugging Level on client side
xor              Xor a input string
-----------      ------------------------- Modulation-------------------------
biphaserawdecode Biphase decode bin stream in DemodBuffer
detectclock      Detect ASK, FSK, NRZ, PSK clock rate of wave in GraphBuffer
fsktonrz         Convert fsk2 to nrz wave for alternate fsk demodulating (for weak fsk)
manrawdecode     Manchester decode binary stream in DemodBuffer
modulation       Identify LF signal for clock and modulation
rawdemod         Demodulate the data in the GraphBuffer and output binary
-----------      ------------------------- Graph-------------------------
askedgedetect    Adjust Graph for manual ASK demod
autocorr         Autocorrelation over window
convertbitstream Convert GraphBuffer's 0/1 values to 127 / -127
cthreshold       Average out all values between
dirthreshold     Max rising higher up-thres/ Min falling lower down-thres
decimate         Decimate samples
envelope         Generate square envelope of samples
grid             overlay grid on graph window
getbitstream     Convert GraphBuffer's >=1 values to 1 and <1 to 0
hpf              Remove DC offset from trace
iir              Apply IIR buttersworth filter on plot data
ltrim            Trim samples from left of trace
mtrim            Trim out samples from the specified start to the specified stop
norm             Normalize max/min to +/-128
rtrim            Trim samples from right of trace
setgraphmarkers  Set the markers in the graph window
shiftgraphzero   Shift 0 for Graphed wave + or - shift value
timescale        Set cursor display timescale
undecimate       Un-decimate samples
zerocrossings    Count time between zero-crossings
-----------      ------------------------- Operations-------------------------
asn1             ASN1 decoder
atr              ATR lookup
bitsamples       Get raw samples as bitstring
bmap             Convert hex value according a binary template
crypto           Encrypt and decrypt data
diff             Diff of input files
hexsamples       Dump big buffer as hex bytes
samples          Get raw samples for graph window ( GraphBuffer )